One of the improvements VotingApp provides over traditional voting systems is your ability to track your ballot from the moment you create your selections, to the secure storing of your ballot, to the processing and counting of your vote by your Election Office. This tracking is referred to as end-to-end-voter-verifiability (E2EVV).
A unique feature of VotingApp is its ability to offer E2EVV without compromising the secrecy of your ballot or compromising your identity even to election officials. This is accomplished through well-vetted cryptographic techniques described in greater detail on but also through a Voter Receipt provided to you upon submission of your marked ballot.
The short description of the receipt is that it is a cryptographic representation of your selections, plus a piece of data randomly generated or created by you, called the Voter Code, such that only you could determine this code before the submission of your vote. This unique receipt is kept by you, and a copy is stored in the Ledger with your encrypted vote but with no direct tie to your identity. After the election closes your Election Office will unencrypt your vote and recreate another copy of the receipt with those selections.
If the receipt you retain matches the receipt stored in the Ledger and then subsequently also matches the receipt recreated after live voting closes, you can be assured no changes were made to your ballot in any step as each receipt is the unique combination of selections and the information you provided. As part of your receipt there is a QR code provided that allows you to view into the Ledger at any time and see the stored copy of the receipt to compare against your receipt copy, as well as a status of your vote. Once all receipts are matched as described above, the status will change from PENDING to ACCEPTED to indicate that the jurisdiction has received and processed your vote.
More information on this process can be found on where detailed information is available.
Before you begin voting you will be directed to your Receipt Information page, which can be accessed at any time.
Here you can customize the Voter Input Code using the provided input field. To continue to your ballot, click the "Continue" button
A Receipt Code is displayed at the top of the screen. This is a combination of the Voter Input Code and selections made throughout the process.